Snoring which doctor to see?

An ear, nose, and throat specialist (otolaryngologist) may examine the throat, neck, and inside of the mouth to diagnose the cause of snoring. You're likely to see your family doctor or a family doctor first. However, you may be referred to a doctor who specializes in treating sleep disorders. An otolaryngologist will first examine the airways for signs of a physical obstruction.

For some people, prescription medications may help relieve snoring and sleep apnea. Others may find relief with sleep apnea masks or a surgical procedure. To eliminate snoring and prevent sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend a device called a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. If snoring is affecting you or your partner's well-being, it's important to see your doctor for evaluation.

The following information will help you prepare for your appointment and know what to expect from your doctor. Several examinations with an otolaryngologist for snoring can help to get to the core of the disease faster. Depending on the severity of your snoring and other symptoms, your doctor may want to perform a sleep study. Your doctor or sleep professional can help you better understand these factors and determine what factors contribute to your snoring (more on this below).

It may seem trivial to consult a doctor about snoring, however, snoring can affect the quality of sleep and, consequently, how you feel every day, and snoring is one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea. There are some additional ways to stop snoring, however, it is best to check with your doctor or sleep professional first. There is no easy way to distinguish between the two, so if you or a loved one is snoring, talk to your doctor if you should be tested for sleep apnea. Of course, seeing a doctor may not be the first thing that comes to mind if you notice that you or your partner has problems with snoring.

The doctor will supervise the treatment, while the dentist will make the necessary changes to the oral device. Rather, there seems to be a “set point” for each individual, so if you are above this weight you will snore and below it you will not. If your doctor suspects that you have obstructive sleep apnea, your partner may be asked to keep a diary recording your sleep and snoring patterns. About 40% of men and about 30% of women snore from time to time, and about 15% of the total population snore more often during the week.After consulting with the appropriate doctor, snoring is likely to stop or at least relieve.

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