Who snores the most?

Snoring is more common in men, although many women snore. It seems to run in families and becomes more common as you age. About 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women are habitual snorers. Men are less likely to snore after age 70.

From soft sucks to loud rasps and snoring, snoring is common. It is estimated that 45 percent of adults snore occasionally, while 25 percent snore regularly often disturbs the sleep of their bed partner and possibly their own as well.


occurs in approximately 57% of adult men and 40% of women. Of these, a quarter consider themselves habitual snorers.

About 10-12% of children also snore. Snoring on its own is usually considered a harmless phenomenon, albeit highly disturbing, but for some people it indicates a more serious underlying medical condition or sleep disorder. Snoring refers to a loud breathing sound that people usually make when they sleep. Although estimates vary, researchers believe that between 20 and 40% of adults snore at some point in their lives.

The sounds produced by snoring may not necessarily bother the sleeper, but they may affect bedfellows and others in the household. Partners of snorers end up feeling all the side effects, including morning lightheadedness, waking up at night and not being able to go back to sleep, trouble concentrating during the day and other problems. Many people with obstructive sleep apnea snore loudly, although not everyone who snores has sleep apnea. Whether you're the one who snores from time to time, your partner, or both, it's worth taking steps to solve this noisy problem.

Women who sleep with partners who snore are three times more likely to have symptoms of insomnia than those whose partners don't snore. Parents may consider having their child screened for a sleep-related respiratory disorder if they snore three or more nights a week or show other worrisome symptoms. Before going to the doctor, people who regularly snore should look for other symptoms of sleep apnea, such as snorting, choking noises, and daytime sleepiness. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine recommend prescribing mandibular advancement devices to people who snore but do not have OSA, along with people who experience obstructive sleep apnea and prefer not to use continuous positive pressure devices in the airways respiratory (CPAP).

However, this symptom is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis, since many people snore despite not having obstructive sleep apnea. Not everyone who snores has apnea, says Strollo, who is also the head of the sleep medicine laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh. While men are more likely to snore than women, the majority of the female population suffers the most from snoring. About 40 percent of adult men snore habitually, compared to just 24 percent of women, reports the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Men often have larger upper airways and lower hanging larynx, which creates a large space in the back of the throat to amplify snoring. But there's a continuum between snoring and apnea, and if you snore for enough years, you can get apnea.

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